Date Missing: February 14, 2008
16 Feb 08 -Tucson police are investigating the disappearance of a 62-year-old Tucson woman.
Foul play is suspected because the woman, Kay Frances Read, who had polio, normally uses crutches and a brace to get around, but they were left at her East Side home, said Officer Frank Amado, a Tucson Police Department spokesman.
Read's family told police that they last had contact with her Thursday night, but when they went to her home in the 7300 block of East Marigold Circle on Friday morning and found her gone without her crutches and brace, they became concerned, he said.
Police asked that anyone with information about Read's disappearance call 911 or the county attorney's anonymous tipster line, 88-CRIME.
Find Kay Read
www.findkayread.com/Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there' true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
Tarot does not have all the answers or claim to solve issues. All it can do is show what it feels may be of USE or point out possibilities.
Please always read the following
which is a useful article in respect of all the Tarot printed for Missing people/children.
![[image] [image]](http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n163/odmod/tarot3_logo.gif)
13TH MAY 2012
I have a request for Tarot here on the blogger for Kay Read who disappeared in 2008. I want to remind you all to read the important notices on the blogger. Tarot looks at past present and future trends and what suggestions are made, I write down for you to consider. Tarot is not considered 100 per cent accurate and for that reason please go to other sources of factual information.
![[image] [image]](http://images.facade.com/i/t/rider_waite/r/r12.jpg)
I have the card of Justice for Kay and it can truly mean exactly what it says, that there is a reason here to seek justice. Either Kay seeking it or someone else was seeking it. This card can tell us that someone wants to right a wrong, someone can witness something in this card, and debts,debtors and all kinds of law and legal matters can come up here. The next card does show a car and going on a trip so it is considered that prehaps Kay did go somewhere by car. It seems to me that someone is seeking justice in personal or business affairs, or may be involved with a lawsuit or want to set something straight. So it seems to me that someone wants to 'even up the score'.
I am not aware of all of Kay's background so it is difficult for me to pin this situation anywhere but it seems to be the most prominent factor. If Kay had some legal matters pending then this card is showing us that this is all due to why she disappeared. Anything outstanding, any situation that was going to culminate at some point. It is a card of arbitraiton and that it remains to be seen whether Kay was called on to arbitrate for another or the other way around. Certainly balancing things out seems to be what I have here. This is an 11 card, I dont know if anything happened in 2011 or not? or whether we should just take note of this number for other reasons.
With the Wheel of fortune so close by I feel this is all very 'fateful' and Karmic' Is it a case of what you reap you shall sew, and I dont have any 'people' here except the law so Im not particularly seeing a person I could bring out, I only seem to see Kay in her chair and in this situation? and because of seeking justice (whoever is doing so) is why she has vanished.
Not much more to say there but thats what Tarot gives.
Were there any legal matters to do with 'work' that she still had to deal with? because work does seem to come up here. When Justice comes up we are looking at 'cause and effect' so payback of some kind? Did someone want to vindicate themselves? Im seeing West in direction.
![[image] [image]](http://images.facade.com/i/t/rider_waite/r/r/r29.jpg)
I feel with this card a sense of 'disorientation' almost a disembodiment when asking where Kay is. This card is normally West. Medication, drinking, drugs and everything associated with liquid /water comes in here. This card does not seem to take me that far away from a home or family home. I can seem to see a familiar place, a garden and a wall.
Even basements, cellars and dark places can come up here. North facing Garden walls where very little sun shines. Somewhere perhaps near or under a bridge or somewhere there is brick,mortar or concrete but with damp elements like you would find in a delapidated building. This card can bring feelings of threat or restricted movement to it and almost leaves us somewhere dark or 'in the dark'. A bridge may be a landmark but perhaps a tree or a 'palm'.
There is a connection to the North East, or a place with those directions in it, the number 7 stands out here. Someone dark complexion, squat and hairy, very strong comes up here. Eyes dark and penetrating, strong constitution. Old buildings untenanted can come up here or places where criminals hide out. Muddy ground, swampy lakes, boggy ground can all show here.
There may be a body of water such as pond or lake or larger or where there are sewage and drains like water treatment plants or sewage plants. Its not always the case but they could be in the area or maybe some connection somewhere. Not sure if this is looking good at this point because if someone feels that Kay owes them something or is looking for Justice the dark side of the 7 of cups can be a difficult card. Number 7 can be a route or stand for something else even distance.
![[image] [image]](http://images.facade.com/i/t/rider_waite/r/r/r16.jpg)
We are given a 15 for when Kay may be found. This card frees us from unhealthy associations so I wonder if its possible before 2015 to find her? This card does free us, so I can only think that it is a card saying that she will be found. I am seeing food and drink here but not sure why that would be, a cook, a restaurant? or something to do with cooking?
I feel kay will be found by accident , probably completely out of the blue. There seems to be a two year period on this card. If it related to the current year time which is 2012 two years would make it 2014 so maybe before 2015 might be a reasonable suggestion. I cant guarantee that only give what might be a possibility.
Theres still something to do with money here but I really am not sure how that fits in.
Im seeing something about 'chains' .
I also feel 'before she is 70' coming up here. The Devil is normally a South card but reversed might show us North so its a matter of pulling up a map and looking at the directions. One of the directions will be her starting point or linked to the address she disapppeared from. I keep seeing the word FATE and KARMA in these cards and its just very strong?
I am not sure if any of tarots thoughts will help, it is a very brief overview but maybe it might help in some way.
UPDATED 16TH MAY 2012Dee has provided a map which she feels MIGHT be the area that Tarot is describing. I have not got a single clue with maps. I just post what I find, but see what you think of Dees Map. I have left the link below the Icon. Please bear in mind that this is not guaranteed and Tarot can mean somewhere else entirely.
![[image] [image]](http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/artua/pirates/256/treasure-map-icon.png)
CLICK LINK BELOW FOR TAROT MAPhttp://g.co/maps/54e3s
12:03 p.m.Blood drive to honor missing person, Kay... - Silobreaker
Feb 10, 2013 – 12:03 p.m.Blood drive to honor missing person, Kay F. Read.UPDATED NEWS 17TH MAY 2016
I have been updating some of the cases here on the site with 'news'. I have missed this particular story about Kay but it was from a couple of years ago. I am unable to find anything more recent.
Kay Read still missing after 4 yearshttp://www.tucsonnewsnow.com/story/16933584/kay-read-missing-for-4-years dee hitt
Thank you Em, my heart is a little more at ease with hope she will be found one day
http://g.co/maps/54e3s dee hitt
Thank you Dee. x
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