![[image] [image]](http://blog.thenewstribune.com/crime/files/2012/02/virdell-christopher-200x311.jpg)
Christopher Chris Virdell, Missing, 2/9/2012, Spanaway, Pierce County Washington
18-Year-Old Chris Virdell is Missing
Posted on February 15, 2012
via Jack Cameron's tacomastories.com
"On the morning of Thursday, February 9th, 18-year-old Christopher Virdell was going to catch a Pierce Transit bus to get to his job at the South Hill Safeway on 13308 Meridian East. Chris never arrived for his shift. He was last seen between 9 and 10 in the morning in the area of 224th and 42nd in Spanaway."
![[image] [image]](http://vvv.pictonale.net/2011/02/27/064d6mb/mid-important.gif)
Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there' true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the blog understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
![[image] [image]](http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n163/odmod/tarot3_logo.gif)
MARCH 29TH 2012
I have posted a few missing alerts to raise awareness but not yet written Tarot for them all. I have been asked recently if I would look at Christophers situation via Tarot and as this may not be a family request and if the family have any objections please let me know in an email in the comments section. I will not publish this and will contact you.
Meanwhile, it seems Christopher has not yet been found and I cannot promise that what I receive will solve the situation or give us all the answers but Tarot often gives interesting information which proves useful. Tarot is past present and future and that means whatever I get can be from any of those epochs of time. I cannot control how the messages present themselves. All I can do is write them down.
Tarot is not considered 100 per cent accurate by Law so please go to other sources for factual information. Any case I have forgotten to say this - please take note as it applies to all.
![[image] [image]](http://images.facade.com/i/t/rider_waite/r/r/r78.jpg)
The first card I had for Christopher is the King of Wands. What I am seeing is an assertive male someone who is arrogant, intolerant and strict and could be someone or perhaps a warning of a disagreement or dispute.
This could be someone in an authoritarian role who might come over as aggressive. It might be something to do with work in some way as it seems to suggest a business meeting or an uncomfortable social situation from which Christopher might have wanted to get away from. There are a group of males in the earlier part of the wands section and they can be very attacking. This card could easily suggest being hurt or feeling tension in the neck and shoulders. It feels like being 'pushed around'. It would appear to be someone quite a bit older even old enough to be a father here so this is the main character that would be having an effect.
I think of 'hitler' type qualities. For some reason we are being asked to 'double check' the facts because there is someone or even something that is not ringing right or there is a very doubtful person here that might not be telling things how they really are. Perhaps its suggesting there is more to it? or that Christopher was told something that was not true himself and concerned himself about it.
I really am feeling that he did not take travel here because there was some kind of argument that prevented that. Did he have an argument with a driver? That could be another possibility to prevent him picking up his travel or bus. This card gives us numbers 1 and 4 or 14 andn also gives us 23 / 5, and often in a positive situation shows someone attached to his home.
I do seem to see some heated situations here even something extreme like fire or arson could come up.
The energy I have is basically NOT nice at all, definately feel it could be male and someone who acts very strong and unkind. There may be a weapon here but I hope not . There seems to be some kind of indecision and not being able to make a decision about work, or going there.
I keep seeing the home and being possibly outside of it - some kind of sporting influence or perhaps even some kind of 'mocking' going on. I dont see him going out of town. I could be wrong but I cant see him going anywhere. There seems to be a HILL name here or in actuality a hill and something about a foot, shoe or boot and perhaps even going over the hill or falling over a hill is possible. I do see this hill and some open space rurality green spaces with a stream and a house on this hill.
There may be an airport in the vicinity or not that far away I have not looked at a map so I have no idea where this boy comes from, but I am also seeing concrete, tarmac, dusty roads, industrial areas, walls, fences, construction all coming up here.
I get the impression he might have been forced to do something but Christopher did not feel he could do it. There is a feeling of wanting to get rid of that pressure here because things were getting too much for him. Was he happy at his job?
I can see him appearing to try to walk away from something here. Sometimes places with wood can come up here as in sawmill wood or logs or some building near the edge of town? possibly construction areas also. I feel as though there is slander here and malice and a really bad attitude by someone or even more then one perhaps. A lot of treachery, quarrels, spite and unkindness is evident here. Was something going on for about two weeks that he never spoke of? I see some kind of feeling of being on edge and even feeling a bit paranoid. There is a defensiveness here and a lot of opposition.
Maybe Christopher just did not want to do what was expected of him or what was facing an aggressive attitude from someone else. Usually the Wands cards are South but this may change when reversed. I will be looking at location ideas.
I may be off side but those are the first impressions.
![[image] [image]](http://images.facade.com/i/t/rider_waite/r/r/r39.jpg)
Here we have the three of pentacles and it does rather look like a business/work card to me. It is also representative of a place that is shut down or abandoned or could be a business premises. This card MAY show that it is not far from water as the two of pentacles can show a man near water with boats, but that is pictorial while we are being shown that there are problems weighing up work money and family matters even life matters here. Parks can come up here too.
Im still getting just inside the town and this card upright is a North direction but again reversed I will check this with the location details that I will print below. I keep feeling that Christopher had a problem with his work. but Im wondering whether this is within the vicinity that I see here. I think he needed to make money and probably quick cash too so I feel overall that this card is connected to business premises in some way. There is a three on this card and it may have significance either in route, road or something else.
The elements on pentacles reversed do put health and welfare in an insecure position. There may be school or college names come up somehow and also feeling as though he is chucked out or thrown out of a business or home. I may not have that completely right but I feel like it is either a business premises or near home that I can sense him being in these cards.
![[image] [image]](http://images.facade.com/i/t/rider_waite/r/r55.jpg)
Finding Christopher we have been given a number 5 - in this card there are water elements as well as rocks and stone again even concrete.. In the card we can actually see a river but whether thats in the name of a place or not or actuality I cant be sure. Generally this card is East but I will check other details. This card can show boats/water or again names relating and also concrete could come up again.
This card can be unkind but I think its because there are so many deceptive elements on it regarding finding Christopher. There might be a cathedral or church name here too. When swords arrive it makes me wonder if Chris has come to harm or took off on a holiday and said nothing - even that could come up. I dont want to guess at the scenario but this card is a 5 and swords are months.
That could suggest by the 5th month of the year being found or within 5 months it is a card of defeat however, so we have to watch all the sneaky elements that creep in around this. There are two people here that stand and watch events and yet they know far more then they are saying.
It seems just lately this kind of situation has popped up a few times when people could talk and say nothing at all letting everyone wonder. So I will just leave this five for now and hope something rings true about this Tarot that might help. Tarot is not 100 per cent accurate and I can make mistakes and not get everything spot on, but maybe there might be points that stick. Lets hope that Chris is found and all is well.
![[image] [image]](http://earth.google.com/outreach/images/earth_africa.gif)
Ideas or locations can be rather 'wide' and vary - but they can apply to areas Christopher is associated with or people connected to the situation and reflect their environment. I will give them anyway as it could represent movement and possibilities or connections of other people in his sphere.
Grand or majestic style public buildings/ monuments, public halls, auditoriums, parks; palaces, castles, forts. Also inaccessible places, deserts, forests or areas where wild animals roam freely. Inside - plush surroundings lots of ornaments and nice furniture.
Farms, farming equipment, wood stores , farm animals roaming. Fallow or bare land, barren fields, land that is bushy and thorny, or where there are dunghills, compost heaps or soil prepared with manure. Locations that are low down, on or near the ground, lowdark places. Can also be place where ships sail or where ships sails are stored.
Boundaries, thresholds and all structures that divide rooms / territory; ie, walls, garden fences, gateposts and international borders ,mausoleums, church yards and ruins. Inside the house low dark corner, on or near the floor, doors, closed in or confined spaces, earthy objects and those connected with waste disposal. Smiths, shops, furnaces, slaughterhouses, orwhere bricks or charcoal is burnt, chimneys, forges
Deep wells, quarries, mines or land that has recently been dug.Gardens may come up. Hills, uneven land, eccentric skyline. Airports or aeroplanes. In houses it signifies the roof, attic rooms, eaves, upper part of the house or room.
Locations near natural or manmade sources of water supply, fountains or springs. Vineyards 'or places near a small spring or conduit head'. If inside a house this would include taps, showers , places where power supplies might be.
Directions to include North East, South and North West.
UPDATED 17TH MAY 2012Dee has provided a map which she feels MIGHT be the area that Tarot is describing. I have not got a single clue with maps. I just post what I find, but see what you think of Dees Map. I have left the link below the Icon. Please bear in mind that this is not guaranteed and Tarot can mean somewhere else entirely.
![[image] [image]](http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/artua/pirates/256/treasure-map-icon.png)
Dee wanted to make some changes on her map and therefore a new map has been posted below. COMMENT DATED 16TH AUGUST 2012
Show on Google Maps
![[image] [image]](http://www.swiha.co.uk/PICTURES/news.gif)
Teen's disappearance remains mystery | News | Tacoma Weekly
www.tacomaweekly.com/.../teens-disappearance-remain... - United States
12 Jul 2012 – Christopher Virdell has been missing since Feb. 9. (Photo Courtesy Of Virdell Family). Five months have come and gone since Christopher ...UPDATED NEWS 15TH MAY 2013http://www.kirotv.com/news/news/family-asks-publics-help-help-finding-missing-mans/nXJTd/
- TheNewsTribune.com - 23 hours agoSunday will mark the two-year anniversary of the disappearance of 18-year-old Christopher Virdell of Spanaway.
Well Im really so sorry that it comes to this everyone but you heard the news before me that Chris has been found. I always feel so sad for the family because I always know that the news though bringing closure, is tremendously upsetting for relatives.
I see Tarot gave us a 5 and that route to Centralia is a 5 route with a Hill name to the west and bodies of water just slightly East of where Chris was allegedly found. Its auful for a young boy to be found like this and on the side of a road. At the moment there is still a mystery around the situation and I guess we have to see how this is going to unravel. Dees Map went East but I think that was my fault partially as I did have a reversed card and procrastinated a little too much about direction - ultimately Tarot did give us the route no. I think the family need your love and support. Please check back for more news reports and perhaps we can see what happened here. RIP Chris you didnt deserve this.
- KOMO News - 1 day ago
i didnt know him but live in the area where he was last seen..i find interesting that the abouve card said maby airport? there is a priviate one right by where he was last seen like a straight line from where he was like 4 blocks but you wouldnt know it by looking i keep feeling he isnt far i have questions just dont know who to ask something doesnt make sense to me..maby a few things
you mentioned saw mill, there is an closed down saw mill with airports all around, and its at the edge of town
Water is by the old Spanaway lumber, which is by Fredrickson's Industrial and by all the new concrete construction of the KIA warehouse and the General Electric (GE) which is near the airport and all on 38th, 4 blocks from 42nd
I don't believe this had much to do with his work at Safeway. He had other methods of making money. If he was paranoid and tense, I believe it makes sense that he stayed with a friend. Clearly whoever was out to find him knew where he lived. From my understandings and the "rumors" going around, three people ubducted him.
All the places that the tarot card explained fit the general description where Chris lived. I believe he was murdered, and these cards may be trying to tell us where his body is.
I find it ironic Chris was mentioning how he was "jacked" by another dealer less than a week before he went mising, and he wanted to get even.
I think this murder revolved around drugs.
His older brother is also involved in this scene. I think he's not saying what he could to try and cover and protect himself from jail time, or being considered a snitch.
The way Chris lived growing up around drugs ,being beaten,the insanity around drug use in his family.Parents,siblings all on drugs.Involving kids in thefts at a early age.Horriffic for Chris.He wanted to be different from his family.Successful.He was likely forsed to sell drugs/that is aside from the responsibilities of paying bill for grown up with many "needs" that depended on Chris working.Chris wanted yo go to college.This is the worst drug infested/abusive situation I have ever seen.I want these people in prison.And just Oh by the way that older brother was with Chris's girlfriend right away/and still is.One would need the stomach for this.The father knows where the body is and so do others.
Manager where Chris worked stated to me,Chris was being evicted and looking for someone he could stay with.He had a job,a payday loan and a three thousand dollar guitar at Vinces'Loans in Spanaway
Does weiler rd. ring a bell.it does
His body will be found on weiler rd,up the mt.just as the tarot states hills
Thank you for posting these comments.
Wow. How can someone post n say thats where he is. Did they do it
Wow is right. I am not sure that post is not correct. So many things going on that it is hard to follow, but things do not feel right and do not add up.
They are posting what they and a lot of other people have been told. Have those places been searched? Not that I know of. Things do not add up one bit. Chris is a great kid and I believe wanted a different life than what was given to him; being the youngest, he saw what everyone else was doing and the affects. His parents will have to live with this the rest of their life. I hope he will be found.
Great post.We are catching on.
I just came across his picture and for some reason Kirkland Park keeps popping up in my head. I don't get it. Any thoughts?
I never want to see again the pain these student and friends have endured.It is not okay to continue to let these kids down.I have no list of those that let Chris down.This case causes me nausea.No one walks away from this
We had a sheriffs dept.to decide,AGAINTST the community they serve, that they would go ahead and leave this child.I will make this my lifes work to see that they NEVER leave a child again.I don't care if drugs are involved,rich ,poor,I don't care.If a sheriff doesn't want to serve and protect,GET A DIFFERENT JOB/thats if anyone will have you.
One should never coddle a meth-amphetamine problems,these addictions grow and spread like wild fire.It is a mind (warping)drug.We can not assume individuals to respond to a situation as we would.You will see bizzare behaviors,a crazied look in the eyes,an odor as the drug is seeping out their pores.They have no accountability for anything,much less money.The drug takes over and is more important than LIFE itself.More important than Chris.Unacceptable behavior is UNACCEPTABLE period.Can we please learn from this.That is what Chris would want.His friends safe.That is what I want for Chris.
The rest of their lives indeed,brothers will live with their action/or inaction,as well.
Agree. Helping those of all backgrounds and situations.
Where are Chris's parents now?haven't been seen since it got too hot.
Sounds like Weber or Webster Hill in Spanaway/Graham. Gigantic hill mixed in with the forest. Chris was taken at the bus stop in front of bethel high school, his old school. Chris was indeed a dealer, a friend of mine bought from him, while i was present. He was extremely kind person and so happy! There's a church right next to bethel high school & the bus stop he was taken from. there is also an airport in graham/south hill. Chris had a fight with his dealer i believe. on numerous occassions a friend of mine would call him to chill and he would always be at a rave-party/dealers apartment in Parkland. He told us we shouldn't go because it was a bit too rough of a scene for us. Hope he's okay!
There is no way that either of his brothers are involved, or know anything. One was in jail and the other was his partner, who has spent everyday searching for him. That anyone would even say that disgusts me. You obviously don't know them.
This activity needs to be broken up.I would like to know of those apts.I live in parkland.EVERYTHING I find goes directly to the police.Okay.That is where info. on a murder case should ALWAYS GO!NOT to a page on the internet/Who does this?????????????Complete Insanity!
Spare us.Nobody knew nobody,nobody did nuttin'.wasn't nobody involved in nothin'you don't even know nuthin' about us.what a load of sama ole'crap!You know who you are ,the whole world is not stupid except for you that is.His PARTNER??????????What kinda partner would you say?
In fact the other brother went to jail shortly after Chris went gone.He was not in jail at the time.Not accusing,just getting to facts.And yes we do know them.
He will be found;also the number of involved will go down.As I was told....be patient.
Those trying to get to the end without getting the middle; scared of the scope of the situation and not wanting to get some 'people' involved my assumption though and I can be wrong. People are talking in riddles. Sending the information to a website is to help with privacy/anonymity, but does muddy the waters as it can not be followed up properly.
Could not agree more.Though waiting is difficult;it is vital that everyone involved answeres to the county prosecuter.This case is sad.very sad.MOST unusual.
disqusts....yeah...describes my feelings as well.
When you have flyers all over town,different flyers about Chris,the Fathers phone number is listed as the sherrifs number?You just gotta think...DAMN!And you really think WOW,
One of Chris family members is quoted in the tacoma weekly as saying he is not concerned about a conviction/prosecution.From where I'm sittin' that is not up to an individual.I consider this situation up to the police and the prosecutor.As a community minded member of society,Wa. St. resident,and a citizen of the U.S.A. I want ALL involved with Chris Virdell's dissappearance prosecuted to the fullest extent of the LAW.Next kid comes gone around here.Same deal.We are not gonna start giving away our youth to criminals.I happen to know Spanaway ,Wa. better than that!
I would ask,"How could they?" his response,always the same;"They just can."
Does anyone have proof that Christopher's remains have "NOT" been found already?.....I would actually be surprised if his remains were not already in co. custody.
No proof that I have heard of. That would suprise me if in custody, however anything is possible. If that were the case though, why are they not being released?
Yes, I too have a sad heart.
Don't believe all the guilty parties are in.Not only you have ones involved in the act;you have those witholding info. as well.I am asurred closure.
Personall,this case should be looked at through a different agency.
That may be worthwhile, someone coming in without predjuice. Though they may be informed of how most of the information came about.
I support this.F.B.I. says we can ask another co. to take a look
I am not able to publish comments if they become 'personal' about the family. The blogger is to provide positive ideas thoughts and assistance and it must not degenerate into blame or accusations. Please be careful how you post?
If your comment does not appear here it is because it is not considered suitable.
Thanks Empathy
From one angry post,I hope we will keep attention on Chris.this case has gone on far too long.
My wish is that the youth have closure in this case.I believe it is time for L.E. or anyone to be honest with the community.Chris is not MISSING.
1 child is missing from Parkland,1 child is missing from Puyallup,1 from Gig Harbor.All teens,all same time frame as Chris.Is there a connection? at least one very large group has interest to know.Did I say LARGE.
I can't be surprised any more.Children missing from this area,looked for hrs. for name info.Not even a name for these.No guessing for pierce co. about the way I feel.They well know.Internal affairs knows....Please let me know if I have left anyone out!Flying mad.So if the public is not made aware,as long as they don't have a body,they don't have no splain' to do.Right?WRONG!Thangs gone change round here.If it is THE LAST THING I DO;and it very well may be.
what is odd.parties involved have a TEMPORARY restraining order against two different individuals that are trying to find Justice for Chris;the closer the individuals get to the truth,involve authorities in the truth about Chris's death,the angrier and more desparate the parties become.Odd number two.The parties asking the courts for the order have a D.V. order restraining each other from being together.Can empathy make sence of any of this?I smell the foul odor of money here.
I do not know the details however I understand what you are saying. Everything goes in a circle like chasing your tail.
This blog seems very close to the truth. Chris should have been found by now. At least there is a benefit concert to help fund and find Chris.
How will that money be handled,I just want to say this.FLYERS ARE NOT THE ANSWER!!!!What we need is a working solution.Truth is most of the flyers have been donated by not only individuals;a number of buisinesses have donated mounds of flyers.A third party is normally involved in managing donations from the community.
Someone knows exactly what happened to Chris, but I sincerely doubt his family does. And if you know Chris at all, you already know what kind of partner his brother was. It's no secret what Chris was doing.
I hope you're not trying to suggest that the Virdell's are paying someone off? If you are, you are sadly mistaken, they are struggling as Chris was the supporter.
One can only float so long on b.s.stack one lie on top of another,another,don't take long;your house of cards is falling and you got only one place to go...away.Lock the door behind you on your way out.
In the words of Herman Cain"Blame Yo-self"
AMEN TO THAT!!WE don't need the likes of you.Please take all of you type with you when you leave. .You are no longer welcome here! the schools don't need you.Teachers don't.Board of education don't,D.E.A. don't...Grandma don't need yo type either.Don't let the door hit ya where the GOOD LORD split ya!
The comments here are getting a little bit 'personal'. Please remember that I understand how some situations can upset people but we need to keep a positive vibe in comments and I would ask that further commenting is in a PRODUCTIVE vein. I want you to have free speech here but please dont antagonise each other?
Thank you empathy.More people are coming forward.
Boy,you hit the nail on the head!Wow!Chris was the supporter.Can't nobody suggest any different.This 18 yr. old....i can't even talk anymore...
I don't see anyone here sadly mistaken about anything so far.The mistaken part all happened before Chris was taken.
Actually the reason they are struggling is about themselves,with Chris gone ;it's on them.Since When is an 18 yr.old responsible for a houseload of adults.Chris had somewhere else he wanted to be.The earlier post was correct.They will be living with that....
Im sorry I could not print one comment because it 'named' names and that is not a good idea to write that down.
Partners....is he now "partners" with CHRIS'S girlfriend?That's just not cool man.
Please do what you need to do to help find Chris, just lay off the parents, okay? I am mad about this as well, the situations a lot of these kids are in. I am thankful my kids stayed in Puyallup and did not venture out to Spanaway and even then my children got mixed up in stuff. Do I wish I can change it,change how much I worked, you bet I do. You gotta stop the barrage on the parents about how they raised their family, they gotta think about that a lot anyway. We don't know what is going on in their minds. We can't go back in time and change things, we CAN move forward and help those kids we see out there that want to be different than the rest, the ones who want something out of life or more that what they have now. Those with some ambition to do good.
That last post should have been a reply to a previous post, but I believe the right person will know it is ment for them.
Chris struggled until he couldn't anymore.That's the guy I feel sorry for.
Paying someone off?where did that come from?Paying for What?
Anyone with eyes could see...Chris had the ambition. someone had to go ahead and take all of that away from him...
with honesty and change,the people will come with forgiveness and willingness to help.that is God's Grace..
Now if we only had a body and the murder wheapon we'd be shinin' like a new diamond
I support a private investigator.NOW!If we wait.Someone is going to get hurt or die.I would put money on that.I can not change that fact,the family can not change that fact.That is a fact.Why would we not do everything possible before we lose another child.That burden will be a cross to carry for all that know better.You can be atheist,you can be black,white,pink with dots,rich,poor,baptist...don't make no difference here.
I have good feelings about today.
MORE Than a year has passed since a 19-year-old man disappeared without a trace, and now his family is asking the public’s help in finding his body.
When Chris Virdell disappeared, authorities told his family that he was probably just another runaway, but they never believed it.
Now the Pierce County Sheriff’s Office is also convinced the Spanaway man was killed.
KIRO 7 Eyewitness News reporter Deborah Horne spoke with Virdell’s father, Paul Virdell, about his son’s disappearance.
“I knew something happened to him, because we were in contact with him four or five times a day,” said Paul Virdell.
Paul Virdell said when his son did not return home from his job at Safeway in February 2012, he sensed something was wrong.
“I just felt it in my heart,” Paul Virdell said. “He’s got three bank accounts that were never touched. His cellphone dropped off. Went cold.”http://www.kirotv.com/news/news/family-asks-publics-help-help-finding-missing-mans/nXJTd/
very sad...
Why doesnt anyone take dogs to the mill/airport that everyone keeps mentioning and search there?
Anything new?
Thank you. Was a girl involved as well? The girlfriend?
Meaning the killers girlfriend....Were three in the vehicle that picked Chris up?...Is the family aware of the other perpetrator?
One perp is in jail on unrelated charges.
Forgiveness will follow a conviction ; that is when the community will move forward. I don't see the kids moving forward . What I do see is the kids looking for the body and the perpetrators...and we are nearing 18 months.....maybe the perps were counting on the communities response.
if you know who did it you need to try to figure out a way to prove it so the Virdells can get justice
The girl friend has plans to go visit the perp . in jail/ prison.
Is that waller rd.? Or webster rd.?
If you look up Chris' s brother and father records on the washington state courts site, you will see there long arrest records. His father was still in the middle of a case for possession and selling drugs when Chris came up missing. Then his father held a community meeting at Bethel HS to fight to keep are community safe.??? What is that all about? To keep people like him out the community and stop selling meth to our children. I agree that Chris was really wanting to do things in life the right way. Not follow his brother and father. So sad he isnt getting that chance. God bless you Chris
Brown Weiler Rd. 5th?? Muck creek. Some people spoke of Weiler Rd, there is a 5th. Interesting.
Isnt there a lot of road construction going on in that area now?
Dear Empathy,
Sadly, the remains they found February 28, 2014 were identified as that of Christopher. You can go to - www.kptv.com/story/...identified-as-18-year-old-missing-for-2-years.
I would like to hear your comments.
May Christopher now rest in peace
God bless♡
It has been confirmed the body found this week is that of Chris Virdell:
According to news reports, body has been found in Chehalis, Wa.
Ok so that comment must mean that someone already knew that michael bourquin was going to be killed as a part of their coverup plan.
Partner? What kind of person uses that word to discribe a relationship? Someone in a same sex relationship or a cop i think i smell bacon.
The benefit money was stolen
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