![[image] [image]](http://media.amw.com/multimedia/fileRepository/db/472/242/Patrick_BroncosHat_Enlrg.jpg)
Nevada Cops: Bizarre Disappearance of WWII Vet, Patrick and his dog Lucky were heading home to Reno when they both mysteriously vanished on April 13 2011 Patrick Carnes overview
Patrick and his dog, Lucky, were heading home to Reno when they both mysteriously vanished on April 13, 2011.
In early April 2011, Patrick Carnes traveled from his home in Reno, Nev., to visit family in Ohio. There, he looked at retirement homes where he could spend his golden years.
Patrick, a World War II vet who served in the Solomon Islands, was a proud, active man, with no signs of slowing down.
On April 12, he packed up his dark green Subaru wagon and drove back to Reno with his best friend, a slightly overweight, 100-pound Akita/mixed-breed dog named "Lucky."
The following night, just after Patrick and Lucky entered the state of Nevada, a trooper pulled Patrick over for not changing lanes appropriately near the town of Wells. After speaking briefly with the officer, Patrick got off with a warning and continued his late-night trek across the state via westbound I-80.
Though they were only about a six hour drive from Reno, Patrick and Lucky never made it there.
The next morning, Patrick's car was found abandoned in sage brush, a good distance from the highway in rural Winnemucca.
Investigators would like to make a plea to anyone -- specifically long-haul truck drivers -- who may have driven on I-80 between Wells and Winnemucca, and saw Patrick and Lucky ...
Cops Fear For Missing Duo Despite No Obvious Signs Of Foul Play
fugitives,Patrick Carnes | Cops in northern Nevada found Patrick s abandoned car off of I 80 He and Lucky were last seen alive near Wells Nev at 9 p m April 13 Patrick Carnes overview
Cops in northern Nevada found Patrick's abandoned car off of I-80. He and Lucky were last seen alive near Wells, Nev., at 9 p.m., April 13.
When investigators came upon Patrick's vehicle, they found no signs of foul play. The car was a good distance from the road, and its front end was facing the interstate. There was no evidence leading investigators to believe Patrick and Lucky were abducted, but they can't rule anything out.
After doing extensive air and ground searches of the vast, wide open, Nevada desert, cops in Humboldt County have come up completely empty-handed. There hasn't been a single sighting of the missing duo.
When Patrick was pulled over in Wells, he told the trooper he was going to get a room in nearby Elko that night, but there's no record of him ever doing so.
What happened overnight remains a mystery to investigators, and they need your help to piece the clues together.
Cops Plea For Eagle-Eyed Truckers To Come Forward
fugitives,Patrick Carnes | Patrick Carnes dog Lucky is a slightly overweight 100 pound Akita mixed breed Patrick s family tells cops the two were virtually inseparable Patrick Carnes overview
![[image] [image]](http://media.amw.com/multimedia/fileRepository/db/472/242/Lucky_Dog_Enlrg.jpg)
Patrick Carnes' dog, Lucky, is a slightly overweight, 100-pound Akita/mixed-breed. Patrick's family tells cops the two were virtually inseparable.
In the middle of the night, every night, I-80 is dominated by big rigs. Detectives believe a trucker might have seen what happened to Patrick and Lucky, but no one has come forward as of yet.
"Some trucker saw an old man with a dog," Humboldt County Undersheriff Curtiss Kull said.
Consequently, investigators would like to make a plea to anyone -- specifically long-haul truck drivers -- who may have driven on I-80 between Wells and Winnemucca, and saw Patrick and Lucky between the late evening hours of April 13 through the early morning hours of April 14.
If you know anything about the bizarre disappearance of Patrick Carnes, or his best friend, Lucky, you've got to call our toll-free Hotline right away at 1-800-CRIME-TV. Remember: You can remain anonymous.
![[image] [image]](http://shotk-ks.org/cms/images/stories/important.jpg)
Please note that tarot will pick up TRENDS /VIBRATIONS of PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE - it will pick up anything that is 'out there'true news or false news - either way it can throw light on what is 'in the air' - please bear this in mind when you are reading the insights.
It is very important that 'readers' of the TAROT understand this, therefore one has to be very discerning when reading. Media news can put out stories that are not factual or are pre -mediated but Tarot can pick that up. It does,nt mean that tarot is wrong, it shows tarot can see what might be suggested. However when writing the tarot it may be taken as fact.
![[image] [image]](http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n163/odmod/tarot3_logo.gif)
« 17 june 2011 at 18:27 »
![[image] [image]](http://images.facade.com/i/t/rider_waite/r/r/r42.jpg)
Patrick is missing and mysteriously appears to have vanished on his trip home. Tarot might be able to shed some light on what may be the situation with Patrick but covers past present and future events. Because of this, some of the previous information could come up that has been reported. Tarot is not 100 per cent accurate but simply tries to pick things out that could be useful.
The very first card I seem to have is a complete 'lack of balance' this might reflect directly on the story above about being stopped by an officer who would show up in the Page of pentacles further along. The lack of balance could have been Patrick swerving in the wrong lane. However, This card can talk about health and finance and the fact that Patrick was driving through 'countryside' as it is an earth symbol. Everything above is noted, but after the incident with the Officer I am seeing the Knight of Pentacles and the Knight of Pentacles is reversed.
This would show a vehicle that has become stationary, the direction when Pentacles show us is normally NORTH and its probably wise to keep that direction, but it is reversed and we might have a North South aspect here. When I saw the six of pentacles and the run of the pentacles I wondered if this man was trying to hang on to his material possessions because he might have lost something here.
The Queen of Pentacles and the 10 of pentacles can refer to pets - namely dogs and Im wondering if the dog was out of the car? and gone 'prodigal' - This knight of pentacles is usually a very steady and reliable person who has dark hair and dark eyes and maybe even dark skin or ethnic qualities - age range early twenties up to 35. Im just seeing interference here and Im wondering if he has given somebody a lift or has met someone of this description
This person next to the queen can 'evict' you from your property (that could be the car) and its possible that is what could have happened or certainly seems to be a big problem here with finance and health. It does all point to agricultural and country land and knight seemed to show up. Im seeing someone who might be employed here to show some kind of irresponsibility or negligence which Im wondering if its to do with the dog. Im not quite sure. There may also be a suspicious and distrustful woman here also. Im seeing a lot of isolation and I just keep thinking someone has robbed him and can also see bribes here.
![[image] [image]](http://images.facade.com/i/t/rider_waite/r/r13.jpg)
Theres something rather elusive about the situation with Patrick as the Hanged man is seemingly representing some illusions. I dont particularly have a direction here on this card though the head points south - North is the strongest direction we have been given. There is a lot of water in the Neptune laced Hanged man which could suggest the name of a place with water and Im thinking WELLS which has already been mentioned in the news report. For some reason Im not seeing much further in this card as this is where things came into suspension.
I feel at some point Patrick became very stubborn about something especially about financial or money issues and refused to budge his ground on it. Not sure thats a good idea but that is what might have happened and Im still feeling theres something a little deceptive here about what happened once he was 'pulled in' by the police. There something I cant put my finger on here but all I can see is Patrick not being happy about finance or not wanting to let go of what he has so has someone tried to take something from him???
There is also water in this card and thats why I thought he might be in Wells still or someone that has a water name. I hope of course he is not IN water but I sometimes think something is completed with this card the right way up and hope that tarot is not telling me anything worrying. I have him connected to authority here which is the Emperor - and I dont know but Im wondering if I should pull another card for after 14 april because otherwise this is looking a bit strange with the pull in and that wont look good because that might mean that Patrick could not have gone far from there or that spot??
![[image] [image]](http://images.facade.com/i/t/rider_waite/r/r72.jpg)
Now I see what might be the situation after 14 April . Patrick was travelling south according to this card or perhaps South East but South predominantly which I did see before and could not decide. This card is telling us that there was some kind of altercation but nothing bad happens that might be the pull in with the police and then we see him travelling across country and I have the name HILL here or somewhere there is a place on a hill and we do get to a place of water might be a creek or a river/stream but I see a lot of haste in this vehicle . Im not sure how the dog comes in but I saw some prodigality but that might have been describing being stopped. However, it was there so its going to thread in somewhere even if the events seem mixed up.
Its clear to me that theres some kind of worry about being attacked and as we get to the 9 of wands we see a man with a bandage on his head which might indicate either confusion, headache or bump to the head and standing near a place where there is a fence, palisade, barrier, that kind of structure. Fire and Water enter this card I dont know if there was enough water in the engine but thats something that can be checked but I do see HEAT or being heated. 10 of wands shows Patrick at the edge of a town with some buildings/wood or countryside like as though its a border town.
I dont know what this town is called but I do think I saw Wells in the hanged man.
![[image] [image]](http://images.facade.com/i/t/rider_waite/r/r5.jpg)
Im hardly getting anywhere without running into an 'authority figure' here. It seems to me that Patrick will be found on a FOUR figure. This could be miles, minutes, hours or some other kind of reference might even be a route but 4 is the number I have. He is going to be found because its an authority card but it is a puzzle because I have seen the law 3 times here already and almost cant get away from them?? But there are dubious things in these cards as I see other people and a possibility of losing his dog or losing money or material things along the way.
Apparently authority is the key to finding Patrick as the pope tells us that its good advice. There is a link to spiritual matters here, which could mean a church landmark or some kind of place that is hospitable and thought of as welcoming I think its possible he could be found this month as we then go to the Lovers card and that is a six and often the JUNE month. I think there is a very confusing state of affairs but I think it will be resolved and Im hoping it could be this month so lets just leave things as they are for the minute and see what shows up .
If Patrick is not found by the end of the month I will look again but police seem to be all over this somehow and Im not sure if everything is going to be sorted out if not already in the process of that. I dont have a direction for the Emperor so I guess the last direction was South. The number 12 might also be useful. I hear the word Columbine but Im not suggesting he is there but I know that it can figure with this card for whatever reason it wishes to present itself.
I will look again once the month is up although its possible he might be sighted beforehand. I am quite prepared to be wrong about some of the detail for Patrick but again hope something will assist in some way.
![[image] [image]](http://www.swiha.co.uk/PICTURES/news.gif)
I-Team: FBI Helping with Missing Reno Man
Posted: Apr 14, 2012 12:54 AM GDT
LAS VEGAS -- Nevada police agencies are receiving help from the FBI in searching for what could be a serial killer operating on our interstate highways.
One year ago, a Reno man vanished from Interstate 80 near Winnemucca, Nevada. An I-Team investigation found that police there had reason to believe that a serial killer, or more than one, could be responsible.
As the I-Team has reported previously, Patrick Carnes was driving from the Midwest back to Reno along 1-80. He was driving through some of the loneliest real estate in the country.
I-Team: Is a Serial Killer Hunting Motorists in Northern Nevada?
A Nevada Highway Patrol trooper pulled him over near Wells, Nevada and came to believe he was traveling in tandem with a long-haul trucker. Carnes' vehicle was discovered hours later at a freeway off ramp east of Winnemucca. Carnes, and his dog Lucky, simply vanished.
The stories generated hundreds of tips, but none have panned out.
Five years earlier, at the very same off ramp, police found a vehicle driven by a Reno woman who has also never been found. Investigators think its possible that a serial killer, maybe even a husband and wife trucker couple, might be responsible for these, and possibly other disappearances.
I-Team: Leads Pour in on Missing Man Case
"My gut tells me there's two people involved -- just for the logistics, just for the ability, whether something happened west of wells, where he stopped. 'Hey old man, come on and get up in the cab because you're tired,'" said Humboldt County Undersheriff Curtiss Kull.
Reno man, 86, missing one year later
Family searching for answers
There are several men that have disappeared leaving their cars behind off the same highway I posted them on a map do you think they are connected? A is Patrick Carnes B- Albert Chretien C- Joesph Bushling E- Grant Moedl and F- Adam Blanchard here is the link to the map
After reading this and looking at info on others missing there are so many connections
First of all their are 4 others missing
Adam Blanchard's Toyota 4 runner was found in an area called Columbine at Table Mountain / South Barley Creek
Joesph Bushling went missing over the boarder in Utah outside the fenced barrier of Dugway you may have seen his father on national tv stations Joesph is a enlisted at Dugway. Please google the names I sent to you and read the stories.
The Wells Nevada location seems to be the center on the map of missing men.
Would it be possible to do readings on the others that are listed above? Is it showing that they are all connected?
I would need to do readings for these people individually. Tarot may not be able to provide a generalised yes or not for connections because even if more then one were connected it may give a negative reading if we ask if all are. I cannot seperate if you understand my meaning. Therefore the only way to see or compare is to read tarot for each.
Adam Blanchard was found last week close to the location where they found his truck. They did not state the cause of death.
How very sad that Adam has been found, at least his poor family now have some closure. Lets hope there are happier endings for the others, especially Patrick F Carnes who's nephew is a friend of my Son's
http://www.8newsnow.com/story/15042343/i-team-is-a-serial-killer-hunting-motorists-in-northern-nevada Did you see this most recent news story? What a nightmare
No but it is a great concern and thank you for posting this report.
I was wondering if you were considering another reading on Patrick Carnes? Have they any new leads on his case. I feel so bad for his family.
Its been very busy to look at updates on all the cases but I will try to take note of your request.
I am not aware of any news reports but will look to see if any have been published.
I too do stichomancy..I heard about this on Coast to coast and found this story very disressing having a Father the same age..so I did a reading. After I ran his name again and Happed upon this website. Oddly My reading was very similar to yours. Very Strong implication that a "clever woman" was involved and took advantage of "Grandfather" for her own gain. I did see a situation like the scene from The Odyssey, roped to the ship mask/Large body of water..I am praying this Man is found Safely. Miracles do happen.
Hello - thats very interesting. The Stichomancy is only really an experiment for me at the moment as really my forte is Tarot and I 'know where I am with that' but the stichomancy readings have been quite intriguing.
It is good of you to tell me about your reading as you may work with that method in a far more enlightened capacity then me so if you are seeing things similar to what has come up for Patrick that is very curious. So, thank you for commenting and telling me this.
Yes I have used cards for many years but for missing objects/ and the unfortunate rare case of missing people I feel alot of clues are given thru Stichomancy. I started using this when my Dads
very special car was stolen (recovered 7 months later) I usually start by asking what the "missing" is seeing. It can be a bit confusing at first but words will seem to POP ..I always keep a t deck on hand for its opinion (:
Ive found alot of lost wallets, rings, cars, I dont really work alot with missing people as it takes a certain kind of emotional strength I am not sure I have.
Yes emotionally it can be difficult with missing people. I tend to just think positively for every case because that is the only way to view things. I have found your comments really interesting and a pleasure to read.
Can stitchomancy reader send me their email - it will not be published. Just write it as normal comment and only I will get it. I have something to exchange.
I am getting the hint here that the cop who stopped him is behind this, and the others...we have a renegade killer cop here, folks...not the first time it has happened.
Keep up the diligent work! I'm happy to come across this site that includes and encourages alternative investigative insights.
Thank you, you are welcome. I hope something helps.
I did a tarot reading for this man about a week ago, and also got The Hanged Man and several other water-related cards. Indications were that whoever is responsible for his disappearance is not someone outwardly "nice" or "normal," his neighbors fear/dislike him. It seems as if this person might have been abused as a child and the victim may have reminded him of a parent/grandparent. There's also an intellectual or mental element, as if this is some kind of an "outsmarting" game to the perpetrator. I'm going to do another reading to see if I can get more of an idea where Patrick might be now.
Has Mr. Cranes and his dog been found? They have been in my prayers since he disappeared. It's been so long, his family will never have peace until he's found. God Bless them, and all the others who are missing.
I too have never forgotten this missing man and his dog. Any updates Empathy?
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